🕉 Jnana Yoga 🕉 Free Resources to Empower Your Yogic Journey
Follow the below link to learn more about Kundalini Yoga and how it relates to Classical system of Yoga, Vedanta and Ayurveda.
Learn moreFollow this link to hear Trevor sharing on a variety of theme exploring deep and profound topics related to Yoga, Interfaith and Universal Spirituality.
Learn moreThere are a lot or simple, undisputed facts about yoga that shouldn't be controversial, but for some reason have become confusing.
Clear the confusion of market-driven yoga and download the FREE PDF, 10-Facts Every Yoga Practitioner and Teacher Needs to know.
Jump into the blog to continue your learning journey. Once you are at the blog use the search bar and tagged topics to check out keywords you might be looking for clarity on. Like kundalini, kriya, asana, cleansing etc.
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